Free upcycled crochet pattern and a website full of free designer style knitting patterns!!

As I have mentioned before I am a self-confessed Eco nut. I love the sense of self achievement I get from creating quality items from throw away materials. If you are like me you may like these links I have found.

Upcycled plarn reusable grocery bag pattern free for you to try!

Hopefully you can see the picture – I had a little trouble loading it.

If you’re familiar with the term ‘Plarn’* you will enjoy this little blog link to a free crochet pattern on how to make reusable grocery bags that are stylish, functional and are 100% recycled from those pesky plastic bags that seem to multiple in your cupboard. Have a go and let me know how it turns out for you. CLICK HERE.

Tip: You could also try this pattern with ‘rag’* yarn similar to what you would use for a rag rugs It would have body and form similar to the Plarn (but heavier) and you could experiment with different colors and textures to make something really unique and stylish.

Drops Design – Free Knitting Patterns of the best quality, with fresh and modern designs!

Another link that is very handy is the Drops Design website. The fabulous people at Drops Design make the most beautiful knitted items and design and share the patterns for free on their website. Check them out ‘HERE’ – yes that’s right, knitting patterns for free – just over 3000 of them available for all you hobby knitters. Although these patterns call for new materials to be used, I’m sure if you want to you can use your imagination and come up with alternatives.

Here is one alternative, I received an ultimate thrifty tip the other day – if you have a few old knitted sweaters that you don’t wear anymore you can deconstruct them and voila instant balls of wool ready for knitting something new !!!

Sorry, I have not been sewing at all in the last week as I have been busily carrying out a stock take and organising my sewing room so I can see what I have…. and I have found many wonderful things, it’s almost like a treasure hunt. I have a few refashioning projects queued up and a couple of vintage dresses to make as well as bags and wallets for Chrisy Prezzies. I will be very busy with 23 sleeps to go. Watch this space!!

I have obtained about 300+ dressmaker patterns and a number pattern drafting books and tools in the last month from very generous and lovely people and a wonderful lady even emailed me to offer me her late mother in laws collection of one hundred year old vintage handmade lace which included beautiful collars and trims, (along with a big box of sewing bits and pieces) I accepted her offer and am in awe of the construction and beauty of the lace pieces and so very grateful for all the snaps and zips and elastic, machined lace etc many of which have been recycled previously (unpicked from other garments – yay). I am so inspired by the handmade lace that I will have to investigate a bit further into lace making myself. This is a topic is now on my ‘to do’ list.

However, I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and I completely forgot about it – I need to make a dress tonight… I will post more stuff soon!!



Plarn = Plastic yarn, This ‘yarn’ is very simple to make and there are many fabulous blogs, video’s and tutorials available on the web showing you how to do this.

Rag Yarn = usually cut up old clothing, bedding, towels in long strips tied together to form a continuous length of ‘yarn’ (term used loosely). Sheets that have been sun bleached and/or no longer required are great for using with this technique. There is lots of information on the web if you look for tutorials on making rag rugs.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog, I am liking yours.
    I’m just beginning to experiment with ‘plarn’ and have successfully made a small basket. My one question is – can you use bio-degradable bags? I have a fear that down the line a creation will just disintegrate…


    1. Good question, I have wondered that myself and I came to the same conclusion as you – I imagine it probably would disintegrate if the piece was allowed to experience the right conditions, ie. sun, water etc.

      Maybe an experiment needs to be done. If you do get around to making a piece – drop me a message because I would love to know how it turns out.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! 🙂


    1. You can knit most things I reckon, I saw a doco recently on some strange lady who had a sheep dog and she spun and knitted up the malting’s of it’s fur into jerseys and hats.
      Although a little less weird this recycling plastic bags into a useable ‘plarn’ is awesome for eco hippy points. Endless possibilities!!!


  2. This is great! We’re going to see if there are any women’s self-help groups in our area of India who would want to make these and we’ll assist in selling them! Thanks for stopping by our site.
    Cheers and happy holidays!


    1. Wow, that would be fantastic! That’s such a great initiative and I wish you luck. I will have a dig around and maybe post some more posts like this if you found it useful. Thanks for stopping by! Happy holidays to you too.


        1. Hi again, what you are doing is fantastic and so inspirational. I will try and find a few more bits like this to post in the new year, in the meantime you are welcome to check out my auxiliary wordpress blog ‘Creative Revolt’ That is where I save all the projects, patterns and instructions that I find on the web. That blog operates purely as a ‘press this’ catch all for anything that takes my fancy. It’s a bit of a mix up-mash up. But you may find something interesting in there. Here is the link 🙂


  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Mia and for liking the post for the stencils video. I’ll have other similar things from time to time when I think a lot of folks would be interested. I’m just starting to explore your site here but so far it looks wonderful!


  4. Thank you for visiting my blog. And thank you for this post, you reminded me to start a “treasure hunt” in my studio for some leftover yarn to make a bag like this! I also like to recycle so Plarn would be great too! 🙂


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