Home DIY: NZ Lockdown day – Lost count already.

Saturday started with a DIY. Hubby got out the front to rip out the front deck and replace it. It was rotten and full of holes when we brought the place 2 years ago and was getting worse each time winter rolled around. We each had a job, Mummy stayed out of the way, baked bread and lunch treats for hard workers. Kiddo, supervised and gave encouragement by yelling ‘You’re doing a great job daddy!’, ‘Good one daddy!’, ‘Be careful daddy!’ Every few minutes….. and inspect the safety zones to make sure everyone was still safe.

We used a piece of string and a COVID mailer to make a safe zone inside the doorframe, safety first, as the hole got bigger, we closed the door and locked it shut…. it is a big job….. It will be 100 times better when it is finished. Let’s hope that is soon.

AND THE NEXT DAY…. it was. All in all we estimate we are maybe $20 spent on this project. Just before lockdown we brought a massive pile of used decking kwila hard wood for $40 from a secret little place we know, and a big pile of used framing timber for $150 from a film set crew and we probably only used $10 decking and less on framing.

The wood was never intended for the front deck but I am glad it did.


  1. Your DIY decking project brings so many good memories to mind. To counter the high volume of lockdown panic news, I’ve posted a most encouraging video explaining; “People don’t die of influenza, they die of chronic vitamin C deficiency which needs to be addressed – view and save lives now https://wp.me/p2VBZ8-35X


  2. Great memories flash into my mind, always loved the challenge of DIY renovations. For the lockdown we are going through, to break from panic news to share hope: I’ve posted a most encouraging video explaining; “People don’t die of influenza, they die of chronic vitamin C deficiency – view and save lives now https://wp.me/p2VBZ8-35X.


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