In the forest: Gardening is never done…….

We’ve been so busy with the backyard with the vision, digging, pruning and weeding that the front yard has been throughly neglected…. it was only the other day that I was struggling with what to do in the front yard to be as equally as attractive as the backyard. It’s so overgrown and crazy with sideways growing wild-lings (self sown trees growing where they probably shouldn’t be)… and bamboo shooting up everywhere.

So this week I had the good fortune of finding an item I have been hunting for YEARS, I saw one a couple of years ago and have wanted one ever since, and knowing this my my husband agreed to buy it. Yay! This item will turn and wayward forest setting into a peaceful zen oasis of tranquility and relaxation.

We aim to shift it to the back yard into a Japanese tea garden setting with small koi pond in the future. But whilst we are still excavating we will keep it in the front as a welcoming peaceful sentry as people enter the driveway.

Buddha looks amazing but we still have to mow the lawns and chop out the sprouting bamboo. Damn it.

Ok off to sort some weeds out.

1 Comment

  1. Smiles… I understand about back and front, and know we can not be in two places at one time. When I am in the one place, I give it all I have for that time spent, getting it in good order – tomorrow or the next day it will be to the front, or side in our place. Weeds I always take up by the roots and in time, they are seen no more…


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