Scarf lady art deco lamp gets an industrial inspired shade.

Remember this little Beauty?


Approximately one year ago…… I brought this beautiful art deco scarf lady dancer lamp.

I rewired her, gave her a clean and tried in vain to fit a shade……. remember the angst and frustration about the shade……. I do, pfft. I ended up buying a new and expensive exposed filament dolly globe bulb to compensate for no shade. She was fabulous………….. But today Hubby and I were out and about and stopped by a thrift store in our travels and MY HEART STOPPED! It stopped at the sight of these two copper ghost lampshades, I have pinned a million and one ghost shades and industrial style lamps to my pinterest board Lovely Lamps but I never thought much more about them. They were $4 for both so, sure, I had to have them.


It took me awhile to make the connection between copper ghost shade and copper cast iron art deco lamp, but when I did – I think my mind exploded with a design YUUUUUuuuuuuuUSSSSSsssssss moment, and a small fist pump.

I was in so much of a hurry to get the cover on the light that I forget all reasoning and tried to just squeeze the shade on the lamp fitting until it gave in and bent to fit (I blame heat stroke from the crazy crazy hot summer day we are having). Hubby caught me in this moment of madness (20 mins I tried to force the pieces together) and said ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? you’re going to ruin the 1910 GE fitting and we will never be able to get another’. oh, REALITY. Of course, this was the issue last time. The antique fitting is way too big to accommodate most fittings, be it modern shades, even proper 1930’s glass art deco shades, they just wont fit……… double boo, you fooled me again lamp – shame on me………. But you wont fool me again……. Hubby took the lamp shade and made the smallest of incisions into the inner ring then stretched it to size – it took him 2 mins to have the pieces ready. That’s why we make a good team. LOL.


I refitted the insulation and coverlet in place and viola – she is now my most favourite lamp by far!!


HMMMMmmm, What to do with the second shade??

I have constructed a mood board below of some of the industrial and ghost lamps on pinterest. If you click the image you will be directed to my board where you can find these images, their host web links and even more amazing lamps that I find inspirational.

I have some copper plumbing joints…… 3 elbows and a tee joint – so not many but it’s a start. I am leaning towards an industrial pipe/steampunk look for the second lamp. I think that would be fun. What do you think? I’m open for suggestions. 🙂 I think Ghost Lamps are so crazy awesome, especially teemed with an Edison lookalike bulb!!



  1. Love it! It was a beautiful lamp before, but the ghost shade ads a whole other level to it- amazing!
    Oh, and I can totally relate to the whole “being a good team” part. I am pretty handy, but it takes me hours to do what he manages to do in minutes :/


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