About Pepperbox Couture

Welcome to The Pepperbox Couture Blog…

Living in an off grid powered tiny house? Concerned enough about your carbon footprint that you only buy local, fresh, in season produce? You use only reusable bags and buy only secondhand clothing, or sustainable organically grown natural fabrics whilst you sip your alternative nut mylk spicy chai latte……all by choice?….. Yeah, Nah? I mean even if you are just have a passing interest in green living, or day dream occasionally about a simplified life outside the ‘work-to-live’ rat race that consumes our prime years, there is something here for you.

Otherwise – you’ve stumbled upon the wrong blog and you are free to leave at any time.

Just kidding, you can stay, this blog is a hodgepodge mix of all sorts of greeny adventures, DIY projects, art and design inspiration, eco trends and some wonderful disasters – all here, like a giant kaleidoscope of crazy. Stay, grab a cuppa and have a browse and a chuckle.

I mean half the worlds in lock down – you have time.

My husband and I are full time employees of the work-to-live-rat-wheel of life… But we fiercely day dream about a simplified life. As a result we have made incremental shifts in the way we think and do things and can say with confidence we are dabblers in the-high-wire-balancing-act that is sustainability.

We live in a tiny house (I affectionately describe it as – a crap-shack) in the forest, grow a vege garden, have cheeky chickens for eggs and buy everything we can secondhand – by choice. We source DIY materials from recycle stores and refurbish furniture, mend and sew clothes, make our own cleaning products, and keep our larder stocked with grains, flour, and dried legumes in glass jars. Generally we live light on the earth and more importantly within our means.

This blog is really a pick and mix with no rhyme or reason – depicting our kiwi life and how we live it.

TIPS using this blog:

If you would like to refine your search to category i.e Furniture design, then you can use the menu option ‘Design Book’.

Alternatively if there is something specific you would like to search for use the search bar located in theΒ header.

Useful Links

  • To enter my shop at salt.felt.co.nz
  • You can follow me via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or by clicking the ‘follow’ via email button in the right hand menu.
  • To return to the home page hit the Pepperbox Couture title banner at the top of the screen.

Also, if you love an article and want to share it, please do. Feel free to reblog, ‘press this’, pin it, or refer to it. πŸ™‚ Just gimme a plug when you do – thanks.


PepperMia xx


  1. Interesting site; found you when you dropped by my other site. A suggestion I would make is that if you want to be taken seriously in business you need to give a name and location in your about (unless you are doing this on the side and maybe you are afraid working two jobs?) Then perhaps a full shift will happen!


    1. Thanks, it’s still my dream to be in business someday. Unfortunately it hasn’t been the right time or place yet hence why there is no links or info about it, Hopefully soon. At the moment we’re still honing our skills on DIY projects to better our lives and sharing those tips and tricks on our way. Thanks for dropping by.


  2. This. IS. Awesome!! I think you will be a favourite and I’ll have plenty of interesting finds throughout your blog πŸ™‚ it’s nice to meet you also, I’m Janice πŸ™‚


  3. Thanks for liking my post, I am really glad you did because it enabled me to find your blog. I love the ethos of what you are doing. Sustainability and creativity are definitely the way forward.


  4. Hi Mia, I love the concept of upcycling, reusing the old to create exciting new objects. I love the retro look and feel of your blog too. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and liking my ” beach house time-machine” post. I am now following you and I look forward to having a good look around here and perhaps attempting some of your projects! Best wishes.


  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and like. I am passionate about sustainability and definitely love doing projects and crafts. I look forward to seeing all your projects in recycling and repurposing.


  6. Hi! I just found your blog when I googled “boho knitting”. I am an avid boho fan and also a knitter/crocheter. Neither of which I am very good at! But I love recycling, repurposing, and thrifting so I am following your blog now. πŸ™‚


  7. ooooh what a lovely little blog you run! thanks for stopping by and liking my post ❀ ill definitely be a regular visitor here πŸ™‚


  8. Hi Mia, thanks for the like on my Upcycled Hot Water Bottle bost πŸ™‚

    I love your blog!!! I know what you mean about sustainability and fashion, it can be done!

    Hope you don’t mind me asking how do you get your icons to come up when you click on METHODE then choose a section? I really love how it looks! Cx


    1. Hi, Thanks for stopping by. Do you mean the menu that appears when you hover over the header option of methode?

      I think that is what you mean as there are no icons on that page that I know of. If you have a blog theme that supports header bars then you can load menus by using the Menu selection under the ‘appearance’ option on your dashboard.

      Each header I have set up as a page and each drop down is a category – an you just select where you want them to appear.

      Here is an article on how to do it. http://bavotasan.com/2010/wordpress-3-checking-out-the-new-menu-system/

      Hope that helps πŸ™‚


  9. Thanks for stopping by to visit me so I could find you! You’re a girl after my own heart and I’m going to direct those who make fun of my ‘sparse closet’ over to your site – – basically in a “See? I’m not the only one..” spiteful manner – – LOL

    Isn’t downsizing and living a sustainable life lots of fun?!? It creates so much time/money for doing fun things! I got on the wagon in 2006 and have never looked back!

    Your cover art for your dad’s book is awesome! I’m in the process of preparing my first manuscript for e-publishing and a graphic artist, I’m not — -I’m hoping you offer cover art services to folks other than family? If so, drop me a line via the contact form at http://ballybin.wordpress.com/about/

    Can’t wait to see your posts in my reader – I’m a downsizer, but fashionista, I’m not – can you say frumpy-haus-frau? :>)

    Here’s hoping some of your fashion sense rubs off on me through blog reading osmosis!


    1. Thanks for popping over to see my blog. Your comment had me in giggles – yes you can point your finger in a spiteful manner at those who harass you for having a sparse closet…. and you most certainly have my support in that and if needed show them my epic failure to success story. LOL.

      I love the concept of sustainability and downsizing and try so hard to practice it, but then I also like things as you can see from the horrendous wardrobe debacle…… so I’ve found I need to strike a harmonious balance between the two and be sensible about my choices – it’s working out great so far and it’s been a few years. My favorite part is the self satisfying activities of creating things and learning how to do things for myself….. and I am loving the mini wardrobe which has allowed me to get so much more done in the morning routine. That’s fab.

      Thanks for liking my book cover for my dads book and the offer, I am sorry but I realistically don’t think I have the time that I would need to devote to a job like this at the moment, as I have a huge project I am running for my day job that is due to wind up at the end of June and it is really full on right now. 😦

      Maybe the next one?

      Thanks for your comment, look forward to hearing from you again sometime. πŸ™‚


      1. The way the editing process is going – it may be June and I won’t have to wait for your fantabulous art for the ‘next one’ – – LOL!
        Funny, how many extra lines that “don’t fit, aren’t my color/style” are cluttering up my writings – guess books benefit from downsizing, as well! :>)


  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love what you have going on here – my partner and I are huge believers in re/up-cycling and I do as much as (a very creatively-challenged person) I can do πŸ™‚
    Keep up the good work!


  11. Great blog, thanks for the like. 100% with you on sustainability, I just did broken earring revival crafting for my birthday, we made such lush new jewellery. Post about it be up soon. X


  12. Thanks for checking out my blog first off! I have to say I love your blog and what it stands for. I also love looking into DIY projects and seeing what I can come up with! Can’t wait to read more!


    1. Hi Mark,

      I have to confess I haven’t done any fashion pieces for about a year and you’ve reminded me to update my ‘about page’….. Lately My hubby and I have been getting into the DIY projects and restoring furniture, antiques, whatever we find. This blog is a pick and mix of our kiwi life and how we live it. Feel free to browse the articles I’m sure there are some ‘MAN’ly enough articles for your interest (you just have to trawl through the girly crap – lol), I promise there is power tools, sheds, DIY/building tricks etc…… Sorry there is no rugby, or sports though.

      Either way thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. πŸ™‚



  13. Thank you for taking the time and looking at my drawings. I had fun here: Lots of eye candy, and the way you’ve set up the blog is admirable. Good luck with your shop. Russell.


  14. Thank you so much for taking a look at my blog πŸ™‚ It is very much appreciated! Looking forward to seeing your creativity shine with your recycle and reuse ideas!


  15. Thanks for checking out my blog. I love your recycle & reuse concept. I do the same with furniture and odd bits I find at flea markets and antique sales. Much more interesting & creative than just buying new all the time.


    1. Thanks for visiting, I agree it’s way more interesting! I have recently got into upcycling and restoring furniture too. I have posted about them. I would love to know what you think.

      Thanks for the comment, and have a great day!


  16. Hello,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have mad a pact(with myself) to not buy new clothes this year and to try and repair, upcycle, revamp my existing wardrobe in whichever way I can. I will be revisiting to get some inspiration!
    I also have a pact (again with myself) to not buy any more charity or junk shop ‘stuff’ as my house too is full of thrifted clutter…..I’m not doing so well on that one though…..


  17. I feel so allied with all your thinking! Thank you so much for sharing.
    My slogan is: creativity, not consumtion, I wrote about this for some week ago. I do to believe in recykling but also sustainability, things, clothings have to be made to keep, not to break. Therefor I have spent several days to Mend (I love that word), to be creative instead of being a consumer.


  18. Hi! Love your blog and the ideas you are working with! Thanks for visiting Pinch|of|Punch and liking my post. πŸ™‚


  19. I really liked the crochet handbag. So nice to see the word ‘crochet’ and not end up looking at on odious pair of mittens made by Aunt #3.
    Also, thrift and consignment stores are great ideas! You can see what is being highlighted at this consignment store on the blog Interior Images at interiorimagesltd.wordpress.com.


  20. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
    Your blog is very good, and I admire your total commitment to reuse-recycle!
    Am doing some refashioning myself just now – come take a look!


  21. Oh my goodness, I really think you’re like a soul-twin of mine from the southern hemisphere. I also graduated in 2005 with an expensive degree (though it was in creative writing, not art) and started blogging to escape the confines of an uncreative job. I, too, am an amateur seamstress with many bload-soaked messes in my memory. But most importantly, I love the act of pairing sustainability and fashion. Oh, and I love hearts and try to put them anywhere I can. ❀

    Anyhow, I'm glad I was led to your blog. I'm excited to see what you'll be accomplishing in the months to come! πŸ™‚



    1. Hi Violet,

      That’s so awesome of you to visit my blog and comment. It’s great to find another creative sibling following the same path!!

      πŸ™‚ I hope to lend you inspiration on your journey!!! If you like this blog you will love my other blog Creative Revolt too. It’s full of free to use patterns and project tutorials to keep you busy. I ‘press’ everything I like that I find on the web. It’s awesome to browse through and get ideas for your next project if your ever stuck for something to do and just want to create.

      You can check it out here: http://creativerevolt.wordpress.com/

      Happy crafting.



  22. Hey! I love love love your aims, goals, and aspirations and I think we have quite a bit in common. I am looking forward to reading through your blog and checking out what you’ve got on here. Thanks for doing what you do because sustainability is 100% possible.

    All the best on your future endeavours!


  23. If you don’t mind opening a little online store, woo commerce have one free e-commerce theme (set of templates) called Wootique that could get you up and running faster than the speed of light!


    1. Oh wow, that is cool – I just searched for it and found the demo and free download…. I will definitely look into this as an option. I would need to set up an additional blog and connect back – but I would have full control of the shop and that’s good. Do you know anyone that is already using it? so I can see it in action and ask some questions around functionality – Thanks so much Maree!!


  24. Hi there, I love your concept. I love to alter my clothes into something new. I’m very grateful to meet you here who share the same mind. Your blog is great!


  25. All the best with your sustainable fashion venture, adventure! I look forward to seeing more of what you produce, as creative ways to recycle and reuse is high on my interest list.
    Thanks for liking my sunflowers post, you might also be interested in the Living Like Our Grandparents post http://enviromum.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/living-like-our-grandparents/ and Retro Chic http://enviromum.wordpress.com/2011/11/12/retro-chic/
    Cheers Enviromum


  26. Just checked your blog, so happy to find creative soul πŸ™‚ I LOVE craft and keep my hands busy too, but in different from yours way though πŸ™‚ Wish you a very inspirational year πŸ™‚


  27. Thanks for the like. PS I love the sock monkey bag posts (is that what it’s called). Do you sell those on etsy?


    1. Hi, The Sock Doll heat bag’s – or the sock doll painted patches on the wallets/money bags?? I am not sure which of the two items you mean, but the answer will be yes – very very soon, I am just working out the finer details and I will be up and running on Etsy soon as these will be for sale. πŸ™‚ yay!!


  28. Love your site. Glad you liked my post. Gardening is a passion for me and I’ve found so many people who enjoy it too. Have you visited Margaret Roach’s site? http://awaytogarden.com/
    Lots of good info there about gardening and about life.


  29. You have a great eye for color and designs. I’m excited for your journey and honestly think people will respond to what you are creating and you will have success. Really. Best, best wishes. πŸ™‚


  30. Hi, Pepperbox! I highly commend you on your goal to create. There is no reason a 9-5 job should interfere with that – you just do what you can, what moves you, what keeps you sane. There is honor and creativity in labor, too, and you can honor it through your dedication to creativity! I’ll be watching and supporting you. YOU GO, GIRL!


  31. I also studied Fine Art and now work full time…but have decided to focus on creativity more now that I have let go of some of the academic thought patterns. Good luck with your fashion projects x


    1. Hi, YAY it’s good to know I am not alone. I find that I can create my heart out with the fashion projects because I don’t view them as ‘ART’ which is liberating. I loved my experience at University and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But as you say it’s the letting ‘go of some of the academic thought patterns’ that I am still a little stuck with.

      Having tons of fun for now though!! Thanks for the message πŸ™‚


    1. What a lovely concept! I love the idea of upcycling and have just stumbled onto using this method on some of my products. I don’t know how to explain it other than to say there is a certain gratification and joy that comes from taking the discarded and restoring its beauty. πŸ™‚

      Lovely blog!


      1. Thanks Cara,

        It was naturally the next step to take. To my husbands dismay I am already addicted to thrift shops and the hunt for bargains (lol – it’s not the thrift stores he finds unpleasant it’s the resulting clutter in our house). The next best thing is to make stuff out of the thrift store haul I already have.

        I haven’t been sewing for long but I think your definitely right about the instant ‘gratification’ feeling each time a project is complete. I am loving the journey so far.

        Thanks for stopping by!


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